
Created by Brandon 2 years ago

I think the Martinus family are amongst the longest friends my own have known in the UK. I can still remember the visits we had when I was a child to Dunstall Road for the Pot Luck dinners and parties around Christmas and New Year’s. I remember the freedom we kids had in roaming around the house and garden chasing or being chased by Ricky. I regret not having more recent photographs, but these are some from that era. I remember the shared holidays to Kinghorn and the jellyfish on the beach.
Uncle Vernon was always kind to me and us children in general. One of my favourite memories was during a Christmas party in Dunstall Road. The Morecambe and Wise show was on and I was in the TV room. Uncle Vernon came in to check we were all enjoying ourselves when the TV declared “Newsflash” with the next view of Angela Rayner at her desk. Uncle Vernon made us all hush and fixed on the TV when she then did her dance routine. I still smile at the sudden seriousness he imparted. As one of the TV highlights, this clip is often repeated which always brings a smile to my face remembering how I experienced it – Thank you Uncle Vernon.
I have to also thank Uncle Vernon for introducing me to skiing (to which I subsequently got hooked) when we went to Seefeld in Austria (my first ski trip but to be honest I didn’t enjoy sidestepping up the nursery slope or our final ski or should I say walk down the Rosshutte!!).
I will miss you dearly. But am so grateful for the many wonderful memories you have left me with. And for being there at several significant moments in my life. Rest Peacefully now, dear Uncle.

